Protecting the digital world of business in terms of networks, electronic devices, and data from illegitimate access or illegal use and the approach of ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information is essential for enterprises. At softLabs, independent security advisers focuse on providing solutions that match and fit the organizational requirements.  

We are partners with industry-leading cyber security vendors to covering areas such as developing cyber security policies by core detection and response activities, supporting activities for vulnerability management, cyber threat intelligence, and incident response.

SoftLabs is successfully managing the communications and relationships of key stakeholder groups by ensuring accurate interaction with the ITSA and manager of cyber security with other stakeholders.

Our Cyber Security team is establishing and ensuring capabilities for the core detection and response activities, supporting activities of vulnerability management, cyber threat intelligence, threat Hunting, and incident reporting.

Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) specialists provide agency-wide solutions to enhance security procedures and methods following the protective security policy framework, information security manual, and Australian Signals Directorate’s (ASD) essential strategies to mitigate cyber incidents.



What is aged care? 

Elderly care or aged care emphasizes on social and personal requirements of senior citizens who wish to age with dignity while needing assistance with daily activities and healthcare. 


Older people have the right to live with security, autonomy, self-determination and free from any exploitation or abuse.  


Aged care is the support provided to older people in their own home or in an aged care (nursing) home. 

It can include accommodation with everyday living, health care and provide equipment such as walking frames or ramps.  

Government-funded aged care services are available to eligible people. 

Aged care Industry in Australia 

Customer Centric and Customer satisfaction are primary focus for aged care industry. 


Australian government is widely encouraging changes and bringing reforms within industry. Because in blink of an eye, client's demands are changing. 


Hence, Aged care facilities also adapting fast to changing technology services for their residents and staff. 


New changes are introduced within industry - 

To make aging more welcoming and positive.  

Give comfort to family members as they should feel secured about their loved ones! 


We live in Digital age where technology transforms static business document processes into a digital format which improves business efficiencies. 


Software transformation solutions have become paramount to provide efficient residential aged care services. 

It acts like an engine to assist care providers with high quality responsive care. 


Digital Solutions

There are many popular ERP systems on the market. Each Company chooses which is the appropriate one for their business! 

Epicor Care 

HDS (Hospitality Dietary Solutions) 

Different ERP systems in aged care industry are - 

  •  iCareHealth 
  • Autumn Care 
  •  Invera and many more. 

With Latest software developments in aged care - ERP is the most prominent.  

What is an ERP System? 

Enterprise Resource Planning is one integrated software solution 

for management of all the information and resources. 


It acts like a business's central hub and provides transparency for end-to-end workflow and data, allowing a variety of departments to access and reporting for improved information systems.  


ERP may have similar goals to other solutions, but, it’s unique features make it a distinctive competitor in the software market.   

The Importance of ERP in AGED care 


ERP has the ability to manage all aspects of the independent living, residential aged care and/or community care functions of business, in one integrated software solution. 


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is an increasingly famous trend among all aged businesses for plethora of benefits it offers.  


Effective overall administration. Planning of resources, CRM, finance management, scheduling and reporting made easy. 

It enables seniors to have a comfortable life and carers can get optimum services. 


Outstanding care and experiences can be provided for residents, clients and their families. 


  • Increased staff productivity

“Productivity is not just about doing more; it is about creating more impact with less work” 


With implementation of ERP, Staff efficiency increases significantly. They can focus more on their productive working time and offer value addition services. It also takes away stress from tedious work.

  • Happier Customers 

A satisfied customer is the best Business strategy of all. -- Michael Leboeuf. 


In this digital era, by click of a button, everything is happening. People seeking information on latest software have become increasingly popular. More consumers trust online reviews than ever before, with 84 percent saying they trust them as much as a friend. 


In this knowledge age - it’s best to provide goods and services based on client’s centered.. ERP offers several ways to do this. 


Firstly, ERP solutions are equipped with a customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool.  It enables to see customers more holistically and gain better understanding of their requirements and wants and provide improved services. 


In aged care, families are decision-makers and “buyer” of the services.  

they are also called as secondary customer. 

– They help in financial support, communicating with the providers about any medical or dietary issues and overall review of the care. 


Primary customer is the elderly person, who lives in the aged care facility and avails the services. 


It’s not only about “bettering.” customer experience. it’s about visualising it! ERP Software - can build better customer service, increased loyalty and overall positive impact in the business.  

  • Improved Safety 

ERP ensures clear data stream is maintained throughout the entire interaction of elderly and carers. This gives a sense of safety for elders as much as possible. 


Communication is kept completely transparent between elderly people and providers. This helps avoid or trace any source of conflict. 

Providers have access to ERP systems as a database and store their established safety protocols, so, all team members can access and review them at any given time. 

  • Risk Management and Reduced errors

ERP -- Reassures and builds confidence for companies to go for  

game-changing moves! 


It’s modern approach for continuous, collaborative cycle for risk prevention, detection, and response. 


 Security, risk, and audit controls are embedded in critical ERP processes, connecting all departments IT, finance, operations, and audit.  

Teams can build better rapport and maintain compliance at every stage. 


ERP has several in-built tools to manage risk. This enhances reliability and financial accuracy and less chance for errors during accounting. 


  • Smarter Business Intelligence 

Today’s Enterprise Resource planning (ERP), has lens of business intelligence (BI) features that analyses data across functional areas and enables smarter Business decision making. 


It helps to make mission-critical, allows prompt decisions within aged care settings.. 


Data-based decisions help to analyse customer behaviour and compare with that of competitors. 

It further Guides in performance, optimizes operations, forecast of success, anticipate marketing trends, patterns and detect problems. 


  • Accurate Cost Monitoring 

Aged care organizations manage their financial process just as every industry does.  

ERP system makes it simpler by managing in one database. This helps to improve efficiency of backend financial functions including payroll and inventory management. 


ERP keeps tracks all outgoing patient payments and monitors operating costs for suppliers and relevant services. Hence, overhead costs can be at a minimum and productivity can be high. 



ERP is fully automated, and so, it will considerably reduce human errors happening in both administrative operations and inventory-related costs. 

ERP has created a major milestone and impact within the aged care industry recently.  


This is the best software solution capable of keeping up with evolving and changing requirements!  


ERP helps to attain best customer experience, boost overall performance and take business to next level. 
