

Good Day everyone,

I would like to thank all my employees, customers, and vendors for their continuous support of SoftLabs. Today, we are able to grow our organisation in the right direction as a truly "Enterprise Software Company," providing services to clients across Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. Our operational team is working tirelessly to look after our internal and external teams.

We started building our new product development team under our director of projects, who has come out with office automation software. (Details will be shared soon.)

If you have great ideas or suggestions for improvements, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards

Sreeni Pillamarri


The sales team plays a great role in achieving the goals of the business. The team has come up with new techniques and processes and has young blood who are passionate, dedicated, and carry a lot of positive energy for positive outcomes.

From this month on, we started daily stand-up meetings to discuss progress and strategies. Everyday feedback sessions also contribute to change and progress in the workplace. They are also actively engaged in the digital platform to enhance the business.




SoftLabs wishes everyone a Happy and prosperous Diwali ( Festival of lights)



SoftLabs is always on the lookout for talented professionals, so if you or anyone in your professional network is looking to advance from their current positions, please visit




Let's go green together!
Plastic refers to any synthetic or semi-synthetic organic polymer that can be easily molded.
As we all know, plastic is a non-biodegradable material. If we continue to use it, ocean plastic will outweigh all the fish in the sea by 2050. It is estimated that more than 60% of all seabirds have traces of plastic in their guts.

Modern Sustainability Problems

  • Climate Change

  • Waste Management 

  • Food Supply 

  • Good Health & Well Being 

  • Economy 

New Legislation Rules 

  • To prevent nearly 2.7 billion plastic items from entering the state’s coastal, marine, and bushland environments over the next 20 years
  • From June 1, 2022, the supply of lightweight plastic bags will be banned
  • The ban was extended to some items, such as cutlery, plastic straws, bowls, and so on, on November 1st, 2022.


If we all make small changes to our day-to-day lives, a plastic-free world is within reach.



We are looking for interns in our company; anyone happy to join can email us at au


Sharing is good and with digital technology sharing is easy ~ Richard Stallman

Copyright © *2021 - 2022 SoftLabs*, All rights reserved

The Future is In-Home Aged Care

Among all the sectors in Australia, Aged care; In the most crucial pivot, with lack of funding and governance is the most neglected sector. What’s its future? Will it still be traditional and old system? The world is changing after the pandemic. Workplaces are adopting the agile system, why not aged care?

The Australian Government is returning to the time frame of 1 July 2024, put forward by the royal commission, to deliver a reformed and improved in-home aged care program. After carrying out a range of consultation and research to inform the reform of in-home aged care. Lots of feedback were collected from older Australian and Aged care sector is now being reviewed. Some of the consultation include, Research testing the new home care program design with older Australians and their carers, peak body organisations and home care providers and a Living Lab Trial to test a new aged care assessment model.

Reform to in-home aged care should simplify current arrangements for older Australians by consolidating assessment arrangements and programs that are currently cumbersome for older Australians to navigate.  the services should represent value for money for government and older Australians, Aged care expenditure over time should be predictable and fiscally sustainable.



Software Testing Services

How does System Testing work?

Software testing is the process of assessing and confirming that a software application or product performs as intended. Software testing has advantages such as bug prevention, lower development costs, and better performance.

Few would contest the necessity of quality control when creating software. A brand's reputation can be harmed by late deliveries or software flaws, which can result in dissatisfied and lost customers. In extreme circumstances, a bug or flaw can harm connected systems or lead to significant problems.

While software testing, an important evaluation is validating the fundamental requirements. Exploratory testing is crucial in assisting a tester or testing team in identifying challenging scenarios and circumstances that may result in software errors.

A simple application might be put through a lot of different tests. Given the time and resources at hand, a test management plan aids in prioritising which testing types are most valuable.  By using the fewest possible tests to identify the greatest possible number of flaws, testing efficiency is maximised.

Software Testing challenges that affect businesses:

  • Lack of tools to create tests.
  • There are too many manual test cases and not enough time in the timetable.
  • Failure to get adequate test automation coverage
  • Advanced scenarios are challenging to automate, and doing so is frequently quite expensive for enterprises.
  • requirements for applications are frequently changed
  • Justifying testing inside the organisation (by demonstrating value and ROI and generating enough funding)
  • Recognizing product specifications and user stories

Why is Software Testing important?

Early software testing reveals issues prior to a product's launch. The sooner test feedback is received by development teams, the sooner they can fix problems like:

  • Faulty design choices
  • Architecture errors
  • Functionality that is invalid
  • Flaws in the security
  • Scalability issues

When testing is given enough room throughout development, software reliability increases and high-quality programmes are produced with little defects. A system that satisfies or even surpasses customer expectations may increase sales and market share.

We Help You Produce Quality

In the world marketplace, your product speaks for your company. SoftLabs assists your company with thorough QA Services and QA Analysis. By partnering with us, you can receive our testing services tailored to your needs from a team of professional test engineers who are knowledgeable with your industries, organisations, and workforce.

We offer services, but aren’t limited to our services do not restrict to specific domain or technology but inclusively covers every business industry with offerings such as:

  • Agile Testing
  • Automation Testing
  • Security Testing
  • Salesforce Testing
  • ERP Testing
  • DevOps Testing
  • Mobile App Testing
  • Test Advisory Services
  • QA Analysis and Management
  • Digital and Web Testing
  • Performance and Load Testing
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Testing
  • TCoE Setup
  • API Testing